Thursday, June 11, 2009

Do You Like Air Hockey

I have to say that air hockey seems to be reserved for little kids. I remember when I was little and I would be at a birthday party at a Circus Circus (remember those...those were around before Chucky Cheese) and my friends and I would put our tokens in the air hockey table and just go at it. We didn't have any concept of physics or of how banking would affect our shots, but because we were little kids, we had fun with it. Now that I am older I can tell you that playing a game of air hockey really brings back memories and is more fun than ever. In fact, I have gone so far as to put an air hockey table simulator on this blog so that whoever visits it can enjoy a game or two.

If you come to find that you are spending way too much time down at the arcade and spending all of your laundry money playing others in the game of air hockey, it may be advisable to actually look into getting one for your home. This is an especially worthwhile improvement if you happen to have little kids around or even if you are just looking to fill some empty space in your recreation room. Plus, the great thing about today's air hockey tables is that they can be used for more than just air hockey. Some of these double or even triple as other game tables. Some of them can be used for pool and also ping pong.

The table pictured here is a little on the professional side, but it can be a great way to have more fun around the house and will provide better entertainment value than some board (should read bored) games. Children are especially drawn to anything that makes noise and the click-clack of the plastic puck, plus the yelling and laughing of fun, will be enough to draw anyone in. I am currently contemplating buying a new air hockey table for my house and think that I might go take a look at them on the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. I got an air hockey table for Christmas one year. It was fun for a week then we sold it.
